Archive | October, 2012

First video!

18 Oct

We got a first video of what we have in the game so far, and all this in less than a week i think, so i think its great! As you see in the video you can now walk around as the character, and also build with tiles, its just the beginning of an map editor but it looks very good so far.


18 Oct

I have made some small things today, that isn’t important or even interesting for you too see. But i’ve started to make animations for weapons to try making them fit in the game. So the spritesheets for them has begun. But i still have much more animations for the character also.

Skill system planning

17 Oct

Im still very unsure of how the skillsystem will work, even if i know what i want it to be and have ideas of what it have to include. Its really hard to come up with something, but at least i have a planning sketch right here to show of.

Just trying out

16 Oct

Just trying out how the equipment will be animated for the character. And also some other weapons.


16 Oct

The spritesheet is forming itself pretty well. But theres a lot more animations to do, using weapons and different items, climbing, pushing, pulling and much much more. I bet the final sheet will consist of more than 30 different animations of only the character itself.


16 Oct

Just some weapons ive made that may fit in the game. If you got any idea of any type of weapon you would like to see, or maybe a specific weapon you want to be made, tell me!


15 Oct

Walking animation with a Sword, just trying out.


Of course the hand will be over the sword handle.


15 Oct

We want the players to get involved with the project, to be able to influence how everything will turn out in the end. In many different ways.

  • On this blog i will sometime ask questions on certain things, and if you have any ideas or suggestions i would really want to hear them, and i will listen.
  • First when we have a playable beta version of the game we will set up polls on the site that you can vote on. For example of different graphical choices that will have to be made and so on.
  • And not only questions, the players will be able to in the game, go in to a special building in a town, write down any suggestion or anything that would be cool to include in the game, and even upload sketches on for example any equipment you want us to make for the game.
  • And i read them all, pick out like ten good ones that are similar category, and put them on a poll on the site or in the game so the players will vote what will be in the game.
  • And there will be plenty of other ways to change the world youll play in, but everything of this more in the future.

Some hats

14 Oct

Just made some hats and helmets to show of, more like testing but i think ill keep some of them for the game. If you got any requests on any kind of hat and/or helmet, just post a comment below!

Walking Cycle

13 Oct

This is how it would look like if the character walked around. You will be able to go i wich direction you want, but this character only walk four just to show of the animations.

The quality on this one is reaally bad cause i couldnt get any flash in so i made it a GIF image. But click the image to see the animation. Or you can download the flashversion HERE.